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Beehive Analytics – Google Analytics Dashboard

Beehive Analytics – Google Analytics Dashboard

This project was last updated December 10, 2023 byCloodo

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9 Reviews - Trustscore 4.78


About Up Beehive Analytics – Google Analytics Dashboard

Beehive Analytics – Google Analytics Dashboard is a WordPress plugin that allows users to easily add and customize a Google Analytics dashboard to their WordPress website. With Beehive, users can track user behavior and gather valuable visitor data right from their WordPress dashboard.

Installing Beehive is simple and requires just a few clicks. Once installed, users can connect their Google Analytics account and create personalized dashboards for their website. Beehive provides a range of analytics reports, including:

  • Analytics Overview – Users and Page Views for the current day, yesterday, 7 days, 30 days, 90 days, or year.
  • Session Report – Number of interactions with the website within a given time frame.
  • User Report – The total number of users for the requested time period.
  • Pageview Report – Indicates when a page containing the tracking code is visited.
  • Pages/Sessions Report – Average number of pages visited per session.
  • Average Time on Page Report – Shows the duration of time visitors stay on the site.
  • Bounce Rate Report – Reveals the percentage of visitors who leave after viewing just one page.
  • Top Countries Report – Identifies the geographic location of visitors.
  • Most Visited Page Report – Highlights the most frequently visited pages and the duration of visits.
  • Trends Report – Provides insights into user behavior trends to improve website content.
  • Referrals Report – Shows the sources of incoming traffic to focus on marketing efforts.
  • Medium Report – Analyzes the traffic's origin, whether it is direct, email, referral, social, or organic.
  • Search Engines Report – Identifies the search engine browsers that bring in traffic.
  • Social Networks – Highlights the social networks that drive the most traffic to the site.

Beehive Analytics also provides tutorials to help users get the most out of the

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Logo Project WP Google Maps
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1,464 Reviews

WP Google Maps

WP Google Maps is a plugin for WordPress that allows users to easily add Google Maps or Open Layers Maps to their posts and pages. With its simple shortcode, users can create customized maps with markers, directions, and store locators. This plugin is perfect for contact pages, delivery areas, and any other use that requires the display of a map. The free version of WP Google Maps offers a variety of features, including the ability to create an unlimited number of map markers, responsive maps, and support for multiple map themes. It also includes a map widget, full-screen map functionality, and support for localization. For users who require more advanced features, the Pro version of WP Google Maps is available for purchase. This version allows users to create custom maps with high-quality markers that can contain locations, descriptions, images, categories, links, and directions. It also offers additional features such as the ability to create Elementor maps and map blocks, add animations to map markers, and restrict store locator searches by country. WP Google Maps is the most popular Google Maps plugin for WordPress and is suitable for a wide range of users, including businesses, bloggers, and developers. Whether you need a simple map with markers or a more complex map with advanced features, WP Google Maps has you covered. Key Features The key features of WP Google Maps include: Easily add Google Maps or Open Layers Maps to WordPress posts and pages Create customized maps with markers, directions, and store locators Responsive maps that adapt to different screen sizes Support for multiple map themes Drag-and-drop functionality for precise marker placement Full-screen map functionality Localization support Choose from four Google Maps types: roadmap, terrain, satellite, and hybrid Ability to add animations to map markers Store locator functionality to help users find nearby locations Restrict store locator searches by country Support for polygons and polylines/routes Create maps in less than 30 seconds Pro Version The Pro version of WP Google Maps includes the following additional features: Create multiple maps Allow visitors to get directions to your markers Add descriptions, links, and images to map markers Add categories to map markers and filter markers by category Mashup multiple maps Use custom marker icons List map markers in various formats, including basic lists, tables, and carousels Allow visitors to use their map location as the starting or ending point for directions Choose between Google Maps Infowindow styles Export and import markers to CSV files Link Fusion tables to your Google Maps Show visitor’s location on the map Import KML/KMZ files to your map Advanced options for the store locator Retina-ready map marker icons Translations WP Google Maps is available in multiple languages thanks to the contributions of translators. Currently, the plugin is available in the following languages: English (default) Russian German French Polish Finnish Dutch Hebrew Danish Italian Croatian Greek Romanian Spanish Portuguese Brazilian Portuguese Turkish Swedish Bulgarian Indonesian Lithuanian Czechoslovakian (needs updating) Demos WP Google Maps provides both Lite and Pro demos to showcase the capabilities of the plugin. Some of the available demos include: WP Google Maps Lite: Basic Google Map with Markers Store Locator Polygons and Polylines/Routes Google Maps Transit Layer Google Maps Traffic Layer Google Maps Bicycle Layer WP Google Maps Pro: Google Map with Advanced Markers Marker Listings - Simple Marker Listings - Advanced Google Maps Directions Responsive Map Marker Categories (Filtering) Advanced Store Locator WP Google Maps Editor (Back-end Screenshots) Visitor Generated Markers (WP Google Maps VGM Add-on) Custom Map Styling (WP Google Maps Gold Add-on) Documentation and Troubleshooting WP Google Maps provides comprehensive documentation to help users get started with the plugin. The documentation covers topics such as installation, creating maps, exporting and importing markers, changing the Google Maps language, and more. In addition, there is also a troubleshooting section that addresses common issues users may encounter and provides solutions. Installing WP Google Maps Creating your first map Google Maps mashup (Pro) Exporting and importing map markers (Pro) Changing the Google Maps language Create a Google map and marker using custom fields (Pro) View all documentation My Google Map is not showing on my website (troubleshooting) My markers are not showing (troubleshooting) View all troubleshooting articles With its user-friendly interface, extensive features, and support for multiple languages, WP Google Maps is the go-to plugin for adding maps to WordPress websites.

This project was last updated October 20, 2023 byCloodo

Logo Project Wp-Insert
Rating of Project Wp-Insert on Cloodo

139 Reviews


WP-INSERT by SmartLogix Technologies: The Ultimate Adsense / Ad-Management Plugin for WordPress (Optimized for Adsense) Wp-Insert is a powerful and easy-to-use WordPress ad management and ad insertion plugin that offers more than just ad management and insertion. It is optimized for Adsense and offers a wide range of features and capabilities. Features Adsense Optimized: WP-INSERT is designed to optimize your use of Adsense and maximize your advertising revenue. Gutenberg Support: The plugin fully supports the Gutenberg editor, allowing you to easily insert ads into your content using the new WordPress editor. Built-in support for Google Page-Level Ads: WP-INSERT includes built-in support for Google Page-Level ads, making it easier for you to display ads and monetize your website. Built-in support for Google AdSense Auto Ads: The plugin also supports Google AdSense Auto Ads, enabling you to automatically insert ads into your content without the need for manual configuration. Unlimited Adblocks: Unlike other plugins, WP-INSERT does not place any restrictions on the number of ad blocks you can create and manage. Insert Ads Above, Below, Left and Right of Page or Post Content: You can easily insert ads in various positions around your page or post content, including above, below, to the left, and to the right. Insert Ads in the Middle of Page/Post Content: WP-INSERT includes intelligent midpoint detection algorithms that allow you to insert ads in the middle of your page or post content without any manual configuration. Insert Ads after a Set Number of Paragraphs: You can configure the plugin to automatically insert ads after a specific number of paragraphs, either from the top or from the bottom. Insert Ads into Sidebars using Ad Widgets: WP-INSERT allows you to insert ads into your sidebars using ad widgets, making it easy to manage your ad placements. Insert Ads into Post Content using Shortcodes: If needed, you can use shortcodes to insert ads directly into your post content. GUI Driven Rules-based System: The plugin features a GUI-driven rules-based system that gives you complete control over when and where to display ads on your website. Easily Exclude Ads from Specific Posts, Pages, Archives, etc.: You can use the plugin's GUI to easily exclude ads from specific posts, pages, archives, and other sections of your website. Manually Override Auto Positioning on a Per Post Basis: The plugin allows you to manually override the auto positioning of ads on a per post basis, giving you full control over ad placements. Hide Ads for Logged-in Users: You can choose to hide ads for logged-in users to provide a better user experience for your registered members. Hide Ads for Mobile Users: With WP-INSERT, you have the option to hide ads for mobile users, ensuring a seamless browsing experience on mobile devices. Built-in Support for AMP Plugin by Automattic: The plugin is fully compatible with the AMP plugin by Automattic, allowing you to serve ads on your AMP-enabled pages. WooCommerce Aware: WP-INSERT is WooCommerce aware, meaning it is compatible with WooCommerce and allows you to insert ads into your WooCommerce pages and products. Hide Ads on Specific Pages: You can choose to hide ads on specific pages of your website, giving you full control over where ads are displayed. Insert Ads directly into Theme Files: WP-INSERT offers the option to insert ads directly into your theme files, giving you complete control over ad placements. Insert Tracking Codes and Embed Codes: The plugin allows you to easily insert Google Analytics, Facebook tracking pixel, or any other tracking code or embed code into your site without editing any theme files. Supports Shortcodes: WP-INSERT supports shortcodes from any plugin, allowing you to have creative use of ad blocks. Insert Any Type of Embed Codes into Header/Footer: You can easily insert any type of embed code into the header or footer of your site using the plugin's interface, eliminating the need to edit theme files. Style Ads as Desired: WP-INSERT gives you full control over the styling of your ads, allowing you to match them with the overall design of your website. Device-specific Ad Targeting: You can hide or modify ads for different devices, such as large desktops, medium desktops, tablets, and mobiles, with individual targeting options and features available for different devices. High Performance: The plugin is highly efficient and does not slow down your website, ensuring fast page load times for a better user experience. Legal Page Templates: WP-INSERT includes pre-built legal page templates, including Privacy Policy, Terms & Conditions, Disclaimer, and Copyright, helping you quickly create these essential pages for your website. A/B Testing Facility for Ads: The plugin features an A/B testing facility, allowing you to comply with AdSense policies while serving ads from other ad networks and optimizing your ad revenue. Ad Rotation via A/B Testing: You can use the A/B testing feature to rotate ads and even use different ad networks with conflicting terms so that only ads from one network appear at any given time. Geo-targeted Country-specific Ad Placement: WP-INSERT supports Geo-targeting, allowing you to display country-specific ads based on the visitor's IP address. The plugin includes built-in caching for improved performance. Supports Authorized Digital Sellers (ads.txt): The plugin supports the Authorized Digital Sellers (ads.txt) initiative by the Interactive Advertising Bureau (IAB), helping you improve transparency in programmatic advertising. Ads.txt Daily Monitoring: WP-INSERT includes ads.txt daily monitoring to prevent revenue loss due to accidentally omitting your Adsense publisher ID or other necessary information in the ads.txt file. Backed by SmartLogix Technologies: WP-INSERT is developed by SmartLogix Technologies, a leading WordPress specialist known for their expertise in WordPress themes and plugins. Privacy Policy User privacy is of utmost importance to WP-INSERT, and the plugin takes extra measures to ensure that user data is not collected to the maximum extent possible. However, certain enhanced functionalities of the plugin utilize APIs from various third-party services, and the usage of these APIs is in accordance with their respective privacy policies. Geo Targeting To enable geo-targeting functionality for ads, WP-INSERT may send the visitor's IP address to a third-party service such as http://freegeoip.net/ or https://ipstack.com/. The usage of these third-party APIs is in accordance with their privacy policy located at https://ipstack.com/privacy/. Please note that this third-party API is utilized only when you enable or use the geo-targeting features in the plugin admin. Video Intelligence WP-INSERT provides deep integration with video intelligence to offer enhanced features and easy integration with their services. The usage of the video intelligence API and features is in accordance with their privacy policy. Please note that these third-party API and features are utilized only when you enable or use video intelligence-related features in the plugin admin. Video intelligence ("vi") is a third party that needs to process the user's technical data, such as cookie ID, IP address, geo-location, and device ID, to personalize content and advertising and analyze traffic. You can find more information on vi's privacy policy, terms and conditions, opt-out mechanism, and other relevant information on their Legal webpage: https://www.vi.ai/legals/.

This project was last updated October 20, 2023 byCloodo

Logo Project GA Google Analytics
Rating of Project GA Google Analytics on Cloodo

137 Reviews

GA Google Analytics

GA Google Analytics is a WordPress plugin that connects your website to Google Analytics. It supports various tracking options, including Universal Analytics, Global Site Tag, and Legacy tracking methods. It also supports the latest Google Analytics 4. This lightweight and fast plugin offers plenty of great features for tracking and analyzing your website data. GA Tracking Options GA Google Analytics supports multiple tracking options: Universal Analytics / analytics.js Global Site Tag / gtag.js Legacy / ga.js To enable Google Analytics 4, you need to follow these steps: Create a GA 4 account using this guide Obtain a tracking (measurement) ID during account creation Add the tracking ID to the plugin setting, "GA Tracking ID" Select "Global Site Tag" for the plugin setting, "Tracking Method" Save the changes, and it will start tracking your website. It may take 24-48 hours before the collected data is visible in your GA account. GA Feature Support The GA Google Analytics plugin supports various Google Analytics features, including: Google Analytics 4 Display Advertising Enhanced Link Attribution IP Anonymization Force SSL Tracker Objects Google Optimize User Opt-Out The plugin also allows tracking links and conversions via the Custom Code setting. Features The GA Google Analytics plugin offers the following features: Blazing fast performance Easy to use and configure Regularly updated to stay compatible with the latest tracking code Includes options for tracking code placement (header or footer) Adds tracking code to all WordPress web pages Option to add custom markup Sleek plugin settings page with toggling panels Option to disable tracking for admin-level users Option to enable page tracking in the Admin Area Compatible with both the Gutenberg Block Editor and the classic editor Customizable tracking code Additional features available in the Pro version This lightweight plugin inserts the necessary GA tracking code into your website. To view your site statistics, you can visit your Google Analytics account. Pro Version The GA Google Analytics Pro version includes all the features of the free version, plus additional features: Visitor Opt-Out Box (frontend UI) Configure multiple tracking codes Live Preview of all tracking codes Choose location of multiple tracking codes Supports Custom Code in header or footer Disable tracking of all logged-in users Disable Tracking for specific Post IDs, User Roles, or Post Types Disable Tracking for Search Results and Post Archives Display Opt-Out Box automatically or via shortcode Complete Inline Help/Documentation Priority plugin help and support For more information and to purchase the Pro version, you can visit the GA Google Analytics Pro website. Privacy The GA Google Analytics plugin does not collect any user data. However, the tracking code added by the plugin allows Google Analytics to collect various user data. You can learn more about Google's privacy policy here. The plugin uses simple cookies for the visitor Opt-Out Box feature to remember user preferences regarding Google Analytics. This plugin does not connect to any third-party locations or services, but it enables Google Analytics to collect a wide range of data. Support Development of this Plugin The GA Google Analytics plugin is developed and maintained for free by the WordPress community. If you want to show support, you can make a donation or purchase one of the developer's books or premium plugins. Donations can be made on the developer's website. Some of the available books are The Tao of WordPress, Digging into WordPress, and .htaccess made easy. Premium plugins include BBQ Pro, Blackhole Pro, Banhammer Pro, GA Google Analytics Pro, and USP Pro. Links, tweets, and likes are also appreciated.

This project was last updated October 20, 2023 byCloodo

Logo Project CM Download Manager
Rating of Project CM Download Manager on Cloodo

41 Reviews

CM Download Manager

Product Page | Video | Demo | User Guide | AddOns | Additional CM Plugins CM Download Manager is a WordPress plugin that enables users to upload, manage, track, and support documents or files in a directory listing structure. The CM Downloads Manager is a file sharing plugin for WordPress that allows users to specify which users are allowed to upload, manage, track, and support documents, media files, and more. The plugin organizes content in a directory listing structure that others can use and comment upon. Each file uploaded creates a unique landing page with a file preview, support forums, and more. Users can organize downloads by categories and create an index page that directs users to all the download files. The pro version of the plugin offers additional features, such as password protection for files or groups of files, preview options for different file formats, integration with payment platforms and Q&A forums, and more. The CM Download Manager also offers various add-ons and extensions to enhance its functionality, including CM MicroPayments, CM Client Zone, CM Payments, PeepSo Integration for Download Manager, CM Download Manager Widgets, CM Downloads Anonymous Posting, CM User Registration for Downloads Manager, and CM Video Courses Plugin. The plugin is suitable for various use cases, including creating a plugin directory, counting downloads, supporting user forums, providing customer support, managing files in a directory structure, managing music and video downloads, managing user group permissions, charging for downloads or uploads, and more. Basic Features Includes a download counter. Includes voting for each download. Includes download categories. Administrators can manage downloads. Built-in support forum for each download. Template can be customized in several ways. Image preview for each download. Filter downloads with an internal search engine. Administrators can define the types of file extensions supported. Users can track their downloads from their user profile. Users can receive email notifications on newly submitted support questions. Pro Version Features Multiple-File Upload- Ability to upload multiple files to download page. Each file can have its own title. The files can be zipped automatically or downloaded separately. MicroPayment – Grant or Charge virtual currency based on use-case. User Groups Permissions- Set access control based on users groups. Admin can define global settings while user can define access settings per each download. Social Media Registration Integration- Integrates with Facebook, Google+, and LinkedIn. Shortcodes/Widgets- Generates top-level contributors list, recent updates, and a download items list. View Restriction- Defines whether or not a download is open to non-logged in users and which user roles can view specific downloads. Password Protection- Protects downloads with passwords. Upload Restrictions- Defines which user roles can create new downloads. URL / Shortcode- Allows the inclusion of an external URL or a Shortcode in download page instead of uploading a file. Related Downloads- Shows related downloads on the Download page. Downloads Page Tabs- Shows more tabs for detailed download descriptions on the Download page. Search- Filters search results by date, download type, and username. Moderate User Comments- Admins can moderate user comments. Auto-Approve Comments and Answers from Users- Admins can define a list of users who do not need any moderation. Multisite- Supports multisite installations. Public User Profile- Automatically generates a public profile page for each user. Gravatar- Ability to show a Gravatar near the user name and in the user profile. Order Comments- Shows comments on the Download page in either ascending or descending order. Localization Support- Frontend (user side) is localized. View Count- Shows view count for each download. Permalinks- Ability to change permalink from /cmdownloads to a user-defined directory. Support Tab- Ability to remove support forum and other tabs from the Download page. Slide Show- Ability to turn off the slide show. Disclaimer- Option to show a disclaimer for first-time users. Gratitude Message- Does not include the CMinds Gratitude message in the footer. External Viewer- Adds external links to Google Docs viewer for supported Google Docs document types. MP3 Viewer- Adds an embedded mp3 player for listening to music files. Downloads Index Views- Option to toggle between a list view and a tile view of your downloads. Social Share- Includes a social share widget on the question page. Use-Cases Plugin Directory – Creates a plugin directory that is similar to any other WordPress Plugins Directory. Download Counter – Counts the number of downloads for each download. Support forum – Supports your users by letting them vote and answer existing topics that relate to each download. Customer Support – Support for retail customer’s questions. File Manager – Manages files in a directory structure. MP3 and Music file directory – Manages music downloads and allows users to listen to audio files before downloading. Videos file directory – Manages video downloads and allows users to preview before downloading. User Groups Permission – Manage user group permissions to access downloads. Charge for Downloads / Uploads – Charge users for uploading / downloading. Keywords: Downloads, forum, splunkbase, comments, Apps, Archives, Apps Management, Apps Download, Apps directory, Download Management, Download Directory, Download Plugin, Downloads Plugin, Add-on, Add-on management, Add-on directory, addon, directory plugin, WordPress directory, WordPress directory plugin, directory plugin, link dir, link directory, website plugin directory, counter, download counter, hits, hits counter, rate, rating, customer service, customer support, document management plugin, download tracker, download counter, download manager, download monitor, file management plugin, file manager, mp3, music, support, Ajax, comments, Facebook, Google, images, shortcode, sidebar, social, Twitter, widget, widgets, video Follow Us Blog | Twitter | Google+ | LinkedIn | YouTube | Pinterest | Facebook Suggested Plugins by CreativeMinds CM Ad Changer – Manage, Track and Report Advertising Campaigns Across Sites. Can turn your WP into an Ad Server CM Super ToolTip Glossary – Easily creates a Glossary, Encyclopaedia or Dictionary of your website's terms and shows them as a tooltip in posts and pages when hovering. With many more powerful features. CM Download Manager – Allows users to upload, manage, track, and support documents or files in a download directory listing database for others to contribute, use, and comment upon. CM Answers Plugin – A fully-featured WordPress Questions & Answers Plugin that allows you to build multiple discussion forum systems Just like StackOverflow, Yahoo Answers, and Quora, Now with MicroPayment and Anonymous posting support!. CM MicroPayments – Adds the in-site support for your own "virtual currency". The purpose of this plugin is to allow in-site transactions without the necessity of processing the external payments each time (quicker & easier). Developers can use it as a platform to integrate with their own plugins. CM Restrict Content – A full-featured, powerful membership solution and content restriction plugin for WordPress. Support access by role to content on your site. CM OnBoarding – Superb Guidance tool that improves the online experience and the user satisfaction. CM Booking Calendar – Customers can easily schedule appointments and pay for them directly through your website.

This project was last updated October 27, 2023 byCloodo

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