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Countdown and CountUp, WooCommerce Sales Timer

Countdown and CountUp, WooCommerce Sales Timer

This project was last updated December 12, 2023 byCloodo

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11 Reviews - Trustscore 4.09


About Up Countdown and CountUp, WooCommerce Sales Timer

The Countdown and CountUp, WooCommerce Sales Timer is a powerful plugin designed for WordPress websites. With this plugin, you can easily create timers for your WooCommerce sales and promotions. Whether you need a countdown timer or a count-up timer, this plugin has got you covered.

One of the key features of this plugin is its responsiveness. The timers created using this plugin will adapt to different screen sizes, ensuring a seamless user experience for your visitors. Additionally, the plugin is fully compatible with WooCommerce, making it easy to integrate the timers into your online store.

The plugin also provides a handy calendar feature, allowing you to set timers with specific dates and times. You can also choose the time zone for your timers, ensuring accuracy for users in different regions.

With the Countdown and CountUp, WooCommerce Sales Timer plugin, you have the ability to create unlimited countdowns and place them on the same page. You can use the timers on your pages, posts, and even widgets, giving you flexibility in how you display your timers.

Customization options are available as well. You can set the width and style of the timers, choose a translation file, and customize the text displayed in the countdown fields. You can also select the action to be taken after the timer expires, such as displaying a message or redirecting the user to a specific page.

The plugin also provides options for adjusting the design of the timers, including font size, distance from the top/bottom, and border width and radius. These customization options ensure that the timers seamlessly blend with the design of your website.

The Countdown and CountUp, WooCommerce Sales Timer plugin is a free to use plugin, with an extended version available with additional features. Whether you're running a limited-time sale, counting down to a special event, or simply want to create a sense of urgency, this plugin is an essential too

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December 12, 2023





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Logo Project Ni WooCommerce Sales Report
Rating of Project Ni WooCommerce Sales Report on Cloodo

10 Reviews

Ni WooCommerce Sales Report

Project Profile: Ni WooCommerce Sales Report : The Ni WooCommerce Sales Report is a plugin that provides comprehensive sales reports for WooCommerce users. With various add-ons and features, this plugin offers a range of sales key indicators, order product sales reports, category reports, and more. It is designed to help businesses analyze their sales data and make informed decisions based on the insights provided by the reports. Features: Order Product Sales Report: The plugin offers detailed order product sales reports, including product details, customer product details, and order details. These reports include information such as product name, quantity, total, discount, price, customer details, and order information. Users can choose to order the report by various criteria such as order date, order ID, or order status in ascending or descending order. Sales Key Indicators: The Ni WooCommerce Sales Report provides various sales key indicators to give users an overview of their sales performance. These indicators include total sales order count and value, sales order count and value for the current year, month, week, and yesterday. Today Sales Analysis Indicators: Users can analyze their sales for the current day with the Today Sales Analysis Indicators. These indicators include today's order count, sales amount, product sold, discount, and tax. Customer Key Indicators: The plugin also provides customer key indicators to track customer activity. Users can view the total customer count, customer count for the current day, total guest customer count, and guest customer count for the current day. Stock Analysis: With the stock analysis feature, users can stay informed about their stock levels. The plugin provides information on low in stock, out of stock, and most stocked products. Top Order Report Summary: The Ni WooCommerce Sales Report offers a summary of the top orders. Users can view the top 10 recent orders, top 5 customers, top 5 billing countries, order status report in tabular or pie chart format, and payment gateway report in tabular or pie chart format. Top Product Summary Report: This report provides insights into the top-selling products. Users can see the top products for today, yesterday, the last 7 days, and monthly sales report. Language Support: The plugin supports multiple languages, with English as the default language and Italiano/Italia as an additional option. For more analytical reports, users can consider the Pro version of the Ni WooCommerce Sales Report. It offers more reports and sales analytical features. View Demo Ni WooCommerce Sales Report Pro Buy Now Ni WooCommerce Sales Report Pro Statistics: Unfortunately, there are no specific statistics available for the Ni WooCommerce Sales Report plugin. However, it is a popular choice among WooCommerce users who are looking for comprehensive sales reports and analytical features for their online stores. The plugin has been well-received by users, as it provides valuable insights into their sales performance and helps them make data-driven decisions to improve their business strategies. Conclusion: The Ni WooCommerce Sales Report is a powerful plugin for WooCommerce users who want to analyze their sales data and make informed decisions. With its wide range of reports, key indicators, and analytical features, this plugin provides businesses with the tools they need to understand their sales performance and optimize their strategies. Whether you need to track your top-selling products, monitor stock levels, or analyze customer activity, the Ni WooCommerce Sales Report has you covered. Consider trying out the Pro version for even more advanced features and reports. Overall, the Ni WooCommerce Sales Report is a valuable tool for any WooCommerce user who wants to take their sales analysis to the next level.

This project was last updated November 12, 2023 byCloodo

Logo Project Object Sync for Salesforce
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9 Reviews

Object Sync for Salesforce

Project Profile: Object Sync for Salesforce Object Sync for Salesforce is a free plugin for WordPress that allows users to sync data between their WordPress website and Salesforce CRM. With this plugin, users can easily create, update, and delete Salesforce objects when the data is saved in WordPress, and vice versa. This seamless synchronization ensures that your data is always up to date and consistent across both platforms. Whether you're managing posts, pages, users, or any other custom content types in WordPress, Object Sync for Salesforce enables you to map fields between Salesforce objects and your WordPress content types. This mapping, known as a fieldmap, determines which fields should be synced between the two platforms. After installing the plugin and configuring your desired mappings, the plugin will automatically take care of syncing the data for you. Beyond its core functionality, Object Sync for Salesforce also provides developer hooks, allowing other plugins to interact with it and modify the data being synced or perform custom actions based on specific events. This extensibility makes the plugin versatile and adaptable to various use cases and development needs. Who Should Use Object Sync for Salesforce? Object Sync for Salesforce is ideal for WordPress users who rely on Salesforce as their CRM system. It offers a convenient solution for keeping data in sync between the two platforms, eliminating the need for manual data migration or updates. Whether you're running a small business, nonprofit organization, or e-commerce store, this plugin can help streamline your workflows and ensure data consistency. Why Use Object Sync for Salesforce? Using Object Sync for Salesforce has several benefits: Data Consistency: With automatic synchronization, you can be confident that your data is consistent and up to date on both your WordPress website and Salesforce CRM. Time Saving: The plugin automates the syncing process, saving you time and effort in manually transferring data between platforms. Efficiency: By eliminating the need for manual data entry or migration, you can focus on more important tasks and improve overall efficiency. Customization: The field mapping feature allows you to customize which fields should be synced, giving you control over the data flow between WordPress and Salesforce. Extensibility: With developer hooks, you can extend and modify the plugin's functionality to suit your specific requirements and integrate it with other plugins or custom workflows. How Does Object Sync for Salesforce Work? Object Sync for Salesforce works by establishing a connection between your WordPress website and Salesforce CRM. Once the plugin is installed and configured, it monitors for changes in data on both platforms and automatically triggers the appropriate actions to keep the data in sync. Here's a simplified overview of the sync process: User saves or updates data in WordPress. The plugin checks the field mappings and determines which Salesforce object the data should be synced to. The plugin creates, updates, or deletes the corresponding Salesforce object with the mapped data. If configured, the plugin can also perform additional actions or trigger events based on developer hooks. The same process occurs when data is saved or updated in Salesforce, but in reverse. Statistics As of [insert date], Object Sync for Salesforce has been downloaded [insert number of downloads] times from the WordPress Plugin Directory. It has received an average rating of [insert average rating] stars, based on [insert number of ratings]. The plugin is actively maintained and regularly updated to ensure compatibility with the latest versions of WordPress and Salesforce. For more information or to download Object Sync for Salesforce, visit the project page on the WordPress Plugin Directory. References: [Insert reference resource 1] [Insert reference resource 2] [Insert reference resource 3]

This project was last updated November 12, 2023 byCloodo

Logo Project Embed SalesVu
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1 Reviews

Embed SalesVu

The Embed SalesVu plugin allows users to add SalesVu store "widgets" to their WordPress website using a simple shortcode. This plugin is useful because WordPress removes the <iframe> and <script> HTML tags for security reasons, and this plugin provides a workaround for embedding SalesVu widgets. 💭 Rationale WordPress has security measures in place that remove the <iframe> and <script> HTML tags to prevent potential security vulnerabilities. However, this can make it difficult to embed external content on a WordPress website, such as SalesVu store widgets. The Embed SalesVu plugin solves this problem by providing a shortcode that allows users to easily embed SalesVu widgets on their website. ⚠️ HTTP(S) It is important to note that your WordPress site must be using HTTPS in order to embed secure SalesVu store pages. Secure pages cannot be embedded into an insecure HTTP website. 👾 Parameters The Embed SalesVu plugin accepts various parameters to customize the embedded widget. The basic parameters that must be provided are the src parameter, which is the SalesVu widget store URL, and the script parameter, which is the SalesVu widget script URL. Here is an example shortcode: [salesvu src="https://www.salesvu.com/widget-url?storeid=000&etc" script="https://www.salesvu.com/widget-script-url/file.js"] Here is a list of all available parameters and their descriptions: Parameter Description Unit Example Default src SalesVu Widget Store URL url src="https://www.salesvu.com/widget-url?storeid=000&etc" Required script SalesVu Widget Script URL url script="https://www.salesvu.com/widget-script-url/file.js" Required width Widget width # (px) width="500" 100% % width="50%" height Widget height # (px) height="800" 800 scrolling Allow or disallow scrolling yes scrolling="yes" yes no scrolling="no" frameborder Show or hide the iframe border show frameborder="1" 0 hide frameborder="0" marginheight Height of the widget margin # (px) marginheight="10" 0 marginwidth Width of the widget margin # (px) marginwidth="10" 0 id Add an ID to the iframe string id="whatever" tvoow class Add class(es) to the iframe string class="cheese fork broccoli" style Add CSS styles to the iframe string style="margin: 30px; padding: 20px;" "border: none; overflow: visible; width: 100%; background: #FFF;" same_height_as Set the height of the iframe to the same as a target element class same_height_as="div.sidebar" false id same_height_as="div#content" tag same_height_as="main" false same_height_as="false" any_other_param Add an arbitrary HTML parameter(s) to the iframe string any_other_param="any_value" any_other_empty_param Add an "empty" HTML parameter(s) to the iframe string any_other_empty_param="allowfullscreen"

This project was last updated October 31, 2023 byCloodo

Logo Project Sumo – Boost Conversion and Sales
Rating of Project Sumo – Boost Conversion and Sales on Cloodo

0 Reviews

Sumo – Boost Conversion and Sales

Check out the latest WordPress deals for your site. Sumo – Boost Conversion and Sales is a powerful tool designed to help online businesses grow their email list, increase conversions, and generate more sales. With over 37,000 businesses already using Sumo, it has proven to be an effective solution for converting purchases and satisfying customers. This tool offers a wide range of features to optimize your website's performance and boost your sales: Email List Growth: Sumo helps you grow your email list by implementing high-converting opt-in forms that capture email addresses as visitors browse your site. This allows you to follow up with them later and turn them into customers. Email Marketing: You can send welcome emails to your subscribers as they join your email list and further build relationships with them by sending one-off campaigns or automated email drips. Content and Product Sharing: Sumo allows you to add share buttons to your website, making it easy for visitors to share your content and products with their social media networks. Ecommerce Features: Sumo seamlessly integrates with WooCommerce, providing unique offers and discounts, as well as beautiful forms that help increase your average order value and reduce cart abandonment. Free Customer Support: If you have any questions or need assistance in increasing conversions and sales for your online business, the dedicated Customer Experience team at Sumo will provide you with the support you need. Secure and SEO-Friendly: Sumo is compliant with GDPR regulations and follows the latest SEO guidelines from Google, ensuring that you can convert more visitors and make more sales. Easy to Get Started: Setting up Sumo is quick and easy, and you can start using it for free. But don't just take our word for it, here's what some of Sumo's customers are saying: “Quick update after two months using Sumo – it has helped me generate $20k+ in sales already and it’s only been live for a few weeks! That’s almost $500 A DAY extra!” — Love Aroma “Sumo is a great platform. ROIs are transparent, and it provides great flexibility for advanced campaign strategies.” — Loly in the Sky “I am actually mad at myself for not buying this sooner. My email signups are now around 8% (it used to be 1.3%) and people have bought after signing up!” — JJ Caprices With the latest updates to Sumo, you can now access shortcuts to grow your email list and reduce cart abandonment. The Sumo dashboard has also been updated for a better user experience. If you're looking to grow your email list, increase conversions, and generate more sales for your online business, Sumo is the ideal tool for you. Get started with Sumo today and see the difference it can make for your business. Visit Sumo.com for more information.

This project was last updated October 20, 2023 byCloodo

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