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ACh Update Woo Download Links

ACh Update Woo Download Links

This project was last updated October 24, 2023 byCloodo

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About Up ACh Update Woo Download Links

The ACh Update Woo Download Links plugin is a helpful tool for WordPress users who have launched their site with WooCommerce and want to sell downloadable products. One common issue that arises with downloadable products is that when the WooCommerce product downloadable file is updated or a new file is added to the product's files list, customers are unable to see the updated download links. This plugin solves this problem by allowing users to update WooCommerce product download links for previous orders.

With the ACh Update Woo Download Links plugin, customers will be able to access the latest download links for the products they have purchased, even after updates or additions have been made to the product's downloadable files.

This plugin functions similarly to WooCommerce 2.6.x in terms of granting permissions for new files added to a downloadable product. It is important to note that this plugin may not scale well and can result in heavy database queries, which is why it has been removed from the WooCommerce core.

Note: This plugin is a copy of the WooCommerce repository on GitHub.


If you want to contribute to the translation of the ACh Update Woo Download Links plugin, you can visit the WordPress translation section. Your contributions to translation efforts are greatly appreciated.

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October 24, 2023





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Etsy Shop

Project Profile: Etsy Shop Plugin Etsy Shop is a powerful and versatile plugin designed specifically for Wordpress users. It allows Etsy sellers to easily incorporate their shop sections into their blog's pages or posts using the bracket/shortcode method. With this plugin, Etsy users can seamlessly share their products and attract more customers to their online store. Whether you are a small business owner or a creative artist looking for an effective way to showcase your products, Etsy Shop provides a convenient and hassle-free solution. With just a few clicks, you can integrate your Etsy shop sections into your Wordpress site and start reaching a wider audience. Features: Easily insert Etsy shop sections into pages or posts Customize the display of your shop sections Seamlessly integrate your Etsy shop with your Wordpress site Generate more traffic and potential customers for your Etsy store Simple and user-friendly interface Etsy Shop Plugin is designed to enhance the visibility and accessibility of Etsy shops. With the ability to showcase your products directly on your blog, you can easily promote your Etsy store and boost your sales. This plugin is especially useful for Etsy sellers who already have a Wordpress site and want to streamline their online presence. Using Etsy Shop Plugin is straightforward. Once installed, you can add your Etsy shop sections to any page or post by simply including the appropriate bracket/shortcode. This allows you to seamlessly integrate your Etsy shop with your existing content, without the need for complex coding or website development. Note: This plugin is compatible with the latest version of Wordpress. Statistics: While specific statistics about the number of users or installations for Etsy Shop Plugin are not readily available, it is worth noting that Etsy is one of the largest online marketplaces for handmade and vintage items. With millions of active sellers and buyers, Etsy provides a thriving community for artists, crafters, and small business owners. Given the popularity and reach of Etsy, it is reasonable to assume that Etsy Shop Plugin has a significant user base. Many Etsy sellers are likely to utilize this plugin to expand their reach and attract potential customers through their Wordpress blogs. Resources: If you are interested in learning more about Etsy Shop Plugin, you can visit the official website: Official Website Additionally, the following resources may be helpful for understanding the features and functionalities of Etsy Shop Plugin: Feature Plan WordPress Plugin Repository Etsy Shop Plugin offers a convenient and effective solution for Etsy sellers who want to showcase their products on their Wordpress blogs. By integrating your Etsy shop sections with your Wordpress site, you can attract more customers and increase your sales. With its user-friendly interface and customizable display options, this plugin is a valuable tool for enhancing your online presence as an Etsy seller.

This project was last updated October 23, 2023 byCloodo

Logo Project Media Credit
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19 Reviews

Media Credit

Media Credit is a plugin for WordPress that allows users to add a "Credit" field when uploading media to posts. This plugin is designed to properly credit the artist and provide attribution for any media used on your blog. With Media Credit, when adding media through the Media Uploader tool or editing media in the Media Library, a new field is added to the media form. This field allows users to assign credit for the media to a user of your blog (with autocomplete assistance) or to any freeform text, such as courtesy photos. When the media is inserted into a post, a new shortcode, [media-credit], surrounds the media with the provided credit information. This media credit is then displayed under the media on your blog with the class .media-credit, which can be customized with CSS styling. In addition to adding credits to individual media, Media Credit also provides options for displaying credits after the post and organizing the format of the credits. The options include specifying a separator and an organization name. For example, with a separator of " | " and an organization name of The Daily Times, the media inserted will be followed by a credit line like: John Smith | The Daily Times. Media Credit offers flexibility and customization options to properly attribute and credit the media used on your blog. For more information and support, you can visit the plugin forum and start a thread to get in touch with the developers.

This project was last updated October 23, 2023 byCloodo

Logo Project Disable Search
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11 Reviews

Disable Search

Disable Search is a WordPress plugin that prevents WordPress from allowing and handling any search requests from the front-end of the site. It offers various features and functionalities to disable the search functionality and remove any related elements from the site. With Disable Search, you can prevent the search form from appearing on your site if the theme uses the standard get_search_form() function or a searchform.php template. It also disables the search item in the admin toolbar when shown on the front-end. The plugin further disables the search widget, removing it from the list of available widgets and deactivating any search widgets currently in use in any sidebars. These widgets are hidden and will reappear in their original locations if the plugin is deactivated. Additionally, Disable Search prevents any direct or manual requests by visitors, via either GET or POST requests, from actually returning any search results. Any submitted attempts at a search will be given a 404 File Not Found response, rendered by your site's 404.php template (if present). Moreover, the plugin also disables the output of SearchAction in SEO schema by the Yoast SEO plugin, ensuring that search-related metadata is not included in your site's SEO markup. Please note that the plugin only affects search on the front-end of the site and does not disable searching in the admin section of the site. For more information about the Disable Search plugin, you can visit the following links: Plugin Homepage: https://coffee2code.com/wp-plugins/disable-search/ Plugin Directory Page: https://wordpress.org/plugins/disable-search/ Github Repository: https://github.com/coffee2code/disable-search/ Author Homepage: https://coffee2code.com

This project was last updated October 23, 2023 byCloodo

Logo Project Genesis 404 Page
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Genesis 404 Page

HTML: Project Profile: Genesis 404 Page Customizing the contents of the Page Not Found page in any WordPress theme can be tricky, and usually involves editing the 404.php template file. The Genesis Framework already abstracts the default content of the page into a function, and this plugin can unhook that and replace it with your own custom title and content. The Genesis 404 Page plugin is designed specifically for WordPress websites built with the Genesis Framework. It allows users to easily customize the 404 page by replacing the default content with custom title and content. This means that instead of editing the 404.php template file, which can be complex, users can use the plugin to easily modify the page. The plugin provides a shortcode [genesis-404-search] that can be used to add a search form to the 404 page. This can be helpful for visitors who land on the 404 page and want to search for specific content within the website. Additionally, if you'd like to dynamically list content on the 404 page, such as the most recent posts, the plugin recommends installing the Display Posts Shortcode and using it in the 404 page's content. This allows for further customization and flexibility in displaying relevant content to visitors who encounter the 404 page. The Genesis 404 Page plugin is a free plugin that is compatible with the Genesis Framework. It provides an easy and efficient way to customize the Page Not Found page in WordPress websites. Whether you want to add a search form or dynamically list content, this plugin offers the necessary tools to create a user-friendly and personalized 404 page experience for your website visitors. Category: Wordpress, Plugin, Ecommerce Portal, Shopping, Free, Web, PHP

This project was last updated October 23, 2023 byCloodo

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